data TagStream : Type -> Type
A `Stream`-like collection where each successive element can extend the set of `Tag`s.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: (::) : a -> Inf (Tag (TagStream a)) -> TagStream a
take : (n : Nat) -> TagStream a -> Tag (Vect n a)
Take `n` values from a `TagStream`, sequencing the `Tag` effects.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportiterate : (a -> Tag a) -> a -> Tag (TagStream a)
Create an infinite stream of values from a generator function and a starting value.
Visibility: exportstep : (Tensor (n :: features) F64 -> Tag (Tensor (n :: targets) F64)) -> {auto probabilisticModel : ProbabilisticModel features targets marginal model} -> (Dataset features targets -> model -> Tag model) -> ReaderT (DataModel model) Tag (Tensor (1 :: features) F64) -> DataModel model -> Tag (DataModel model)
Construct a single simple Bayesian optimization step.
@objective The objective function to optimize.
@train Used to train the model on new data.
@tactic The tactic, such as an optimized acquisition function, to find a new point from the
data and model
Totality: total
Visibility: export