Observed pairs of data points from feature and target domains. Data sets such as this are
commonly used in supervised learning settings.
@features The shape of the feature domain.
@targets The shape of the target domain.
Totality: total
Visibility: public export
Constructor: MkDataset : Tensor (S s :: featureShape) F64 -> Tensor (S s :: targetShape) F64 -> Dataset featureShape targetShape
.features : ({rec:0} : Dataset featureShape targetShape) -> Tensor (S ({rec:0} .s) :: featureShape) F64
The feature data
.s : Dataset featureShape targetShape -> Nat
.targets : ({rec:0} : Dataset featureShape targetShape) -> Tensor (S ({rec:0} .s) :: targetShape) F64
The target data
Hint: Taggable (Dataset f t)