0 Optimizer : (0 _ : Type) -> Type
An `Optimizer` finds the value, in a `Tensor`-valued feature space, which (approximately)
optimizes a scalar-valued function over that space.
@domain The type of the domain over which to find the optimal value.
Totality: total
Visibility: public exportgridSearch : Tensor [d] U32 -> Tensor [d] F64 -> Tensor [d] F64 -> Optimizer (Tensor [d] F64)
Construct an `Optimizer` that implements grid search over a scalar feature space. Grid search
approximates the optimum by evaluating the objective over a finite, evenly-spaced grid.
**NOTE** This function is not yet implemented.
@density The density of the grid.
@lower The lower (inclusive) bound of the grid.
@upper The upper (exclusive) bound of the grid.
lbfgs : Tensor [n] F64 -> Optimizer (Tensor [n] F64)
The limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS) optimization tactic, see
Nocedal, Jorge, Updating quasi-Newton matrices with limited storage.
Math. Comp. 35 (1980), no. 151, 773–782.
available at
**NOTE** This function is not yet implemented.
@initialPoints The points from which to start optimization.